hayden orpheum wedding
kate & andy

Sometimes it takes more than instant attraction. Sometimes it takes timing as well as chemistry. Experience as well as desire.
When Kate and Andy first met, Andy sauntering over to her to friends of who he a knew a bunch and instantly commanding the presence of all and sundry, Kate was immediately smitten. So smitten, in fact, she couldn’t stop drunkenly raving to her boyfriend at the time how great he was on the way home.
A few months later, with Kate now single, they bumped into each other once again at the pub. Flirty eyes and banter were flying left right and centre until, in a moment of foreshadowing, I Saw Her Standing There came over the speakers, Andy asked her for a dance, and the rest of the world disappeared. They joked then, the second time they had met, that if they ever got married they should do it to this song.
Well, she looked at me
And I, I could see
That before too long
I'd fall in love with her
She wouldn't dance with another
Ooh, when I saw her standing there
Whatever this was it was magical. It was pre-ordained. And yet the timing wasn’t quite right, life and travel and careers got in the way, and they remained great friends, constantly orbiting one another but never quite being able to make it stick. It remained this way for years.
Will they? Won’t they? Should they?
When they eventually did fall for good, they fell hard. They had a baby, they made a home, and they started making a life and never looked back.
This was the definition of doing things your own way. Of thinking outside the box to create something truly unique and magic and reflective of who you are.
They are both big movie buffs and both very creative souls. Kate works in television production and Andy is a very accomplished builder (sidenote - Kate joked that the wedding was Andy’s public ‘coming out’ as a creative kid). Not interested in traditional venues, they simply reached out to a bunch of their favourite date spots to see what they could do.
And so they got married at Sydney’s most beautiful art deco cinema at the Hayden Orpheum, and then partied at a little underground jazz bar in the city, replete with a Blues Brothers covers band (the same band that was playing the night Andy met Kate’s parents for the first time). Everything, everywhere, was imbued with meaning, with history, with story. They even had a friend cut together a trailer for the wedding to be played before the reception, where they deep-faked their own faces onto a bunch of iconic movie scenes (keep an eye out for a Andy emerging like a newborn from a rhino butt ALA Ace Ventura).
This is an example of whats possible with a bit of creativity and out of the box thinking, with a bloody beautiful love story at its heart.
Kate and Andy, continuing the dance they started so long ago.
“Wedding of the year” - Vogue, probably.