restaurant hubert wedding

allegra and dave


Sometimes that’s what love feels like. A sense of home you had given up on ever finding. A feeling of safety you have never experienced in all your years.

You live through heartache and loss and pain and, particularly if you are out of the heady days of 20’s, the invariable questioning - will I ever find this momentous thing I’ve seen all around me?

Then one day you walk into a bar, spy your date across a sea of strangers, and you just know, you know? And it all of a sudden it all makes sense. All the questioning. All the longing. All the terrible dates and break ups and bewilderment and anxiety. And you wouldn’t wish away any of it. In fact you are grateful for it. Because it led you here. And where the hell else would you rather be?

This was as whirlwind as they come.

After they spied each other across the local, that was it. They spent a single night apart over the next 3 months, decided to get married after 9, decided they wanted to start a family after 12 and here we are, a little over a year and a half after Dave leaned in for a very confident and in any other circumstance ill advised not even mid first date kiss, wed, joyous and with - on the day of the wedding, mango sized - family member on the way.

Sometimes, if you are lucky and if you are open, fairytales really do exist.

Set at the glorious Restaurant Hubert.

